8VIII Worksheets
Number Properties
8.1Identify Rational and Irrational Numbers
8.11Evaluate Exponents
8.17Compare Rational Numbers
8.30Understanding Exponents
8.31Evaluate Exponents
8.37Multiplication with Exponents
8.38Division with Exponents
8.39Multiplication and Division with Exponents
8.40Power Rule
8.41Simplify Expressions Involving Exponents
8.42Square Roots of Perfect Squares
8.43Relationship Between Squares and Square Roots
8.44Evaluate Variable Expressions with Squares and Square Roots
8.45Cube Roots of Perfect Cubes
8.46Estimate Positive and Negative Square Roots
8.47Estimate Cube Roots
8.48Divisibility Rules with Dividend Up to 10,000,000
8.49Divisibility Rules
8.50Divisibility Rules with Numbers Up to 10,000
8.51Distributive Property
8.52Simplify Variable Expressions
8.53Simplify Variable Expressions Using Properties
8.2Round Decimals
8.3Convert Between Decimals and Fractions or Mixed Numbers
8.5Multiplicative Inverses
8.6Add and Subtract Rational Numbers
8.8Evaluate Variable Expressions with Decimals and Fractions
8.15Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms
8.16Reduce to Lowest Terms
8.61Convert Between Percents, Fractions and Decimals
8.62Compare Percents to Fractions and Decimals
- Decimals
- Mixed Equations
- Division
- Multiplication
8.8Evaluate Variable Expressions with Decimals and Fractions
8.9Evaluate Multi-Variable Expressions
8.10Solve Two-Step Linear Equations
8.12Solve Multi Step Equations
8.13Solve One-Step Linear Equations
8.14Exponents: Solve for the Variable
8.22Guess and Check
8.32Exponents: Solve for the Variable
8.33Exponents with Negative Bases
8.34Exponents with Decimal and Fractional Bases
8.36Evaluate Negative Exponents
8.44Evaluate Variable Expressions with Squares and Square Roots
8.45Cube Roots of Perfect Cubes
8.51Distributive Property
8.52Simplify Variable Expressions
8.53Simplify Variable Expressions Using Properties
8.54Divide Monomials
8.55Multiply and Divide Monomials
8.56Model and Solve Equations Using Algebra Tiles
8.58Evaluate Variable Expressions with Whole Numbers
8.59Solve Equations Involving Like Terms
8.60Algebra: Linear Function with Intercepts
8.76Graph a Proportional Relationship
8.78Linear Function with Intercepts
8.79Algebra: Linear Function
8.80Proportional Relationships
8.100Rate of Change
8.19Percents of Numbers
8.61Convert Between Percents, Fractions and Decimals
8.63Percents of Numbers and Money Amounts
8.64Estimate Percents of Numbers
8.65Percent Equations
8.66Percent Change
8.72Percents with Multi-Step Problems
8.73Estimate Tips
8.80Proportional Relationships
8.91Experimental Probability
- Graphing
- Comparison
8.24Change in Time Review
8.25Find the Change in Time
8.26Elapsed Time
8.27Area and Perimeter
- Geometry
8.69Consumer Math: Unit Prices
8.74Simple Interest
8.75Compound Interest
- Stats
Students entering the 7th grade continue to expand on concepts from their previous years. On-demand videos with teachers who explain the concepts and show students how to understand the problem-solving process. Teachers go over rules, tips, and multiple problems helping students to be able to solve the problems themselves.
- Students learn about ratios, mixed properties, statistics and other seventh grade skills.
- Teachers incorporate the use of the scratchpad to give students a visual representation.
- Videos provide instant help for students who are struggling with their assignments.